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What niche?

A friend of mine asked me the other day what exactly this blog is about; my answer was simple everything. This blog is where I can share anything and everything, whether it is about my life or some type of randomness I thought others would get a kick out of. He asked me if I was worried about over sharing or losing my sense of privacy. I told him that I’d only be losing as much “privacy” as I chose to give up. When asked again “but what will you be writing”, I told him I’d share pieces of me – my past, my present, my ideas, my sense of humor; nothing specific. My blog is filled with randomness and if just one person can take something from my posts (even if it’s just a good laugh) then I accomplished part of what I set out to do with the mijita chronicles.
I read a quote once that said “life is an open book full of blank pages, you write the story as you go.”
SO KEEP WRITING! I’m a firm believer that we go through the things we do in life for a reason even though we may not understand it at that time.
Well that’s enough of my blabbering. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Til next time
XO -


  1. Well said mijita! I enjoy reading little bit n pieces. :)


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