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Showing posts from 2012

Tween Tuesday

Today's post consists of a few random quotes from conversations with Beanna. Some our chit chats make me laugh out loud while others simply leave me amazed at my beautiful daughter. "I hope I don't have to poo, because I will not poo on the plane." This one made me laugh out loud when we she announced this shortly after we took our seats for our flight from San Francisco to PA. "Why would anyone throw a baby in the garbage? That's not right at all." This topic came up while watching Breaking Amish on TLC. We talked about this topic a little further and as usual my heart swelled at the compassion and empathy my daughter has for others. "What kind of business woman doesn't have tape?" This one came when Bea was with me at work this afternoon and she couldn't find tape at my desk. I told her to check my other co-worker's cube after which Bea told me not only does she not have tape but she doesn't have a stapler either; our b

Monday motivator

Just like anyone else Monday is not my favorite day but hey it is what it is, like it or not we have to get through it! I've learned over the years that reading something positive or even at times humorous can really help shape the day I will have and wanted to share that here with all of you as a way to jump start the week. I know this may come across a little cheesy but close your eyes and take a deep breath and slowly let it out (trust me this works), now read the quote below and at some point today take a moment to reflect on how it relates to you. Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. Brian Tracy til next time xo - V.G.

Greetings from Ellie

Hi Friends! Do you like my new coat? My daddy bought it for me when mommy and sis went to visit him in beautiful Tunkhannock, PA last week. I stayed home with mommy's friend Chelsea who treated me like the total princess I am for 6 days! I'm soo happy mommy and sis are back, I even did a little happy dance when they picked me up. Mommy has still been super busy, so I thought I'd help her by posting a quick entry to let you know she hasn't forgot about you, so please sit tight because she will be back at it soon. Well time for me to snuggle in for the night, thank you for stopping by and showing support for mom's new hobby...BLOGGING!! XOXOXO - Ellie

Is that what I think it is

After last week's "what's in your bag"post I saw this in my friend's bag the next morning. LOL yess that's a huge Costco bag of salad! I about died laughing at yet another random item in her Louis Vuitton. Because of the randomness of her bag contents and my curiosity of what other ladies may be carrying around I decided I will be posting new silly purse findings on Wednesdays. Stay tuned I'm sure we will be amused by what some of my other friends have in their procession.

Tween Tuesday

The other day driving home from school Beanna told me when she grows up she will have a foster kid (her words). I asked her what made her want a foster child and I have to say her response made me proud. Her reasoning behind wanting to be a foster parent was simple enough..."some kids need a good home and I want to give him or her one." She went on to tell me that one of her friends has a foster sister that the family treats as their own which is important because nobody wants to feel left out just because they're not blood related. I told her I agree completely, that blood isn't always what makes a family but rather the love we have for one another. B and I talked quite a bit on the foster child subject with her pointing out that it's not a child's fault that they end up with "bad parents" and get taken away because after all they didn't ask to be born. This discussion left me warm and fuzzy. My daughter is wise beyond her years when it comes

more random facts about me

10 guilty pleasures in no particular order. 1. A nice long bath 2. Lazy Sunday's with my family aka as jammie days 3. Homemade caldo de pollo 4. Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey 5. Uggs with no socks - but not for too longer cause I'd hate to make em stinky 6. The rare peaceful moments with my daughter - since she's a tween & at the got to have the last word phase these are few and far between 7. Flash mob videos 8. Wedding shows - I always cry during the vows 9. Wrapping myself in a blankie and reading a good book 10. Girlfriend time - I loveeee a good catch up session with my girls What are some of yours?

what is that in your bag?

I was chit chatting with my cube neighbor this afternoon when I happened to look down and saw a can opener in her bag, did I mention it was in her Louis Vuitton bag? LOL! My first question was "Is that a can opener in your bag?" her response went something along the lines of "yesss, it's a can opener" with some explanation as to why it was there. This isn't the first time I've seen something out of the ordinary in her bag but I'm more than positive she isn't the only woman to carry around the unexpected in her bag because as women our purses act as a catch all. I myself have found everything from pacifiers to chopsticks and happy meal toys; I rock at the purse game* when attending parties with all the random stuff I carry! What's the weirdest thing you've found in your bag?

tween tuesdays

'tween [tween] preposition 1. contraction of between. 2. Also, tween, tweeny. (noun) a youngster between 10 and 12 years of age, considered too old to be a child and too young to be a teenager. Tween girl as defined on Urban Dictionary a girl ages about 9-14...too old for toys, but too young for boys. Tuesdays will be all about my adventures of raising my tween daughter Beanna. My posts will be everything from the crazy things that she comes up with daily to the new things I'm learning during this new chapter in parenthood and maybe even a few posts from her perspective on various topics. Today's after school topic was texting while driving. Beanna: Why do you text and drive? Me: "huh?" with a puzzled look since I was cooking dinner and the question came out of left field Beanna: I was watching a thing on CNN student news where kids interviewed their parents about texting and driving. SOO, why do you text and drive? Me: I don't know, I guess

chihuahuas behaving badly

Hi, My name is Eleanor and this is the kind of stuff I do when I'm bored. My mommy thought these were out of my reach but I proved her wrong, didn't I? I guess she learned her lesson. It's a good thing puppies can't get allowance because I'd be broke for a few months!

happy fab five friday

To kick off my first fab five Friday I’ll be sharing 5 random facts about myself. 1. I played the violin, cello, and clarinet as a kid. I would love to pick up the violin again but just haven’t made the commitment, I’m not sure if it’s just laziness that’s preventing me or the fear of failure. 2. I’m a pipeliner’s wife. What’s that you may ask? To answer that question I have to first give a little back ground on what a pipeliner is. LOL usually when people ask what my husband does my favorite response is “He lays pipe” that always gets a laugh. But, in all seriousness pipeliners travel the country installing underground gas lines, it’s a dirty and dangerous job but somebody has to do it. There are 2 different types of pipeline wives; your travelling wife who travels with her husband from job to job living the gypsy life and your stay at home and hold down the fort wife– I fall into group two. The distance is hard but in my opinion it leads to a stronger marriage. I believe the


Mijita (mee-hee-ta) - common term of endearment meaning "my small daughter" or more accurately "my dear child". My grandfather called myself and my 2 cousins mijita growing up (although I know I was his #1, LOL). The nickname has been music to my ears since I was a little girl, everytime he'd call out "mijita" we'd coming running while arguing (even at times pulling eachother's hair) to get there first since we really never knew which one of us he was calling. I lost my grandpa 11 years ago this past April but just because he's no longer walking this earth does not mean he's not still with me daily as cliche as that may sound. My grandpa Tim raised us 3 girls for a few years while our mom's worked on getting their lives together and I have to say those were the BEST years of my life. I have said it time and time again without his influence I probably would not be the woman I am today and for that I am thankful. My life has not bee